

Well-Balanced Nutrition make healthy reproduction organ.

Still not have a child for a long time? Its possible causes could be mother, father, or both experiencing of lacking of nutrition. Why? Because, lack of nutrition is much related to fertility problem. Lacking of nutrition can be seen at a thin body. On the contrary, fatness usually experience of excess of nutrition especially fat.

Hard lacking of nutrition can bother hormonal system of the body which finally bothers fertility of reproduction system. If hormonal system annoyed, at a woman is usually shown with menstrual pain or irregular menstruation. Though, irregular menstruation designate ovum cell not produce well. At a man, insufficient or even excess certain nutrition can also bother sperm quality and production. We know that sperm is containing zinc, calcium, C vitamin, etc.

To mother which wish pregnancy and have problem with her nutrition, require to conduct nutrition therapy, that is improve nutrition gain by arranging consumed menu according to level nutrition requirement. At some case, need more serious and detail handling when one of the nutrition hardly insufficient. For example, distasting mother of fruits and vegetables so that her vitamin deeply deficit. Or mother with an excess weight so that have to lessen her fat. For this matter require to consult tightly to the expert so the attainment can more maximal.

In early therapy, mother will be checked whether have problem or not. Usually inspection started by checking the body, is it proportional or not through heavy inspection of body weight or index mass body. When it found too thin or too fat, usually indicated with problem of lacking of nutrition or one of the nutrition excessively gained so that bother body’s metabolism system.

To know whether mother too thin or too fat, the formula is:

MBI (Mass Body Index) = Body Weight (BW) in kilo gram : Body Height [BH(m)] 2

Ms. too thin scored less than 18,5;
Normal scored 18,5-25;
Over weight scored 25-27,
Obesities scored more than 27.

Example of counting;
If BW 52 kg and BH 155 cm, So 52 : (1,5 m)2 = 52 : 2,25 = 23.1.
Mean mother’s weight normal.

More examples;
If BW 75 kg and BH 155 cm, So 65 : (1,5)2 = 33,3
The result tells us obesities.

It is of course, inspection of nutrition problem does not only focus at woman but also her husband must also balance his nutrition so that the quality of sperm cell becomes more maximal. For example, a man with badly lack of vitamin E, usually has a bad sperm quality to gain impregnation. Sperm inspection process can be conducted by andrology expert in laboratory.

Well-balanced nutrition gain usually can be fulfilled by menu arrangement. If contain vegetable and fruit, the menu considered fulfills the requirement of mother nutrition. But at some case need additional gain, for example drinking folat acid supplement and vitamin B. Couple even also expected to take care of fitness of their body with regular sport. When physical fitness well maintained, it can support intimate relation on bed.

Nutrition therapy must be done far day before conducting impregnation, at least 3 previous months. If well-balanced nutrition has been reached already, then the attention has to pay to coitus time. Make sure that time is fertility period of woman, estimated at days 10th to 16th counted from the first day of menstruation. If coitus conducted in these times, pregnancy can be happened likelier. When ovum released from ovarium, the opportunity of impregnation last only 23 hour long. Pass from that time impregnation more difficult to happen. It cause of the lost of ovum or the dead of sperm that can only last 48 hours long in woman body.

Various fertilities nutrition

* Vitamin A
Lacking of A vitamin can cause fertility trouble, considering A vitamin very having an effect on to forming [of] egg cell. Vitamin A found at many dark green chromatic vegetable, justly mention [of] papaw leaf, brocolli, spinach, string bean. Vitamin A also can be obtained from yellow-red chromatic fruit like tomato, carrot, mango, watermelon, and so on. If mother like to consume this victuals, hence one of the fertility supplementary factor have been obtained.

* Vitamin B.

From B3, B6, and B12, many there are in spices like flesh, fish, and poultry. There are also at egg, milk, soybean, red bean, etc. It’s bearing with fertility vitamin B play a part in change of carbohydrate become glucose. This glucose will give input to nerve cell including nerve cell at woman and man fertility organ.

* Vitamin E.

Many of us understood if vitamin E can improve fertility. It is true, because vitamin E take a role in forming testosterone hormone at a man. Vitamin E found much in bean sprouts, legume like peanut, red bean, and soybean.

* Vitamin C.

It could be more of us know if vitamin C plays a part in to improve body endurance. In fact vitamin C also can strengthen sperm cell so that he easier to reach ovum cell. Lacking of vitamin C can make sperm become stickier and more difficult to cause impregnation.

* Magnesium and Manganese.
Found at many bulk food and cereal, like maize, rice, and grist. In fact also found at flesh, milk, and fish but do not too much. The function of magnesium and manganese to strengthen man erection so that can make coition process easily.

* Fat.
Mostly fatty food avoided by woman because can make fatness. In fact, fat very required to body to assist metabolism process. If women too thin, her fat composition less than 17%, hence she could trap in infertility easily. This infertility usually marked with menstruation trouble like irregular frequency. Though, irregular menstruation designate ovum cell is not produced well.

Avoid Extravagant Food of Nutrition.

To maximize the nutrition absorbent, we better not to consume food that bothers its absorption. Because when absorption annoyed, it’s mean we have to consume nutritional food more than usual. This is some food and beverage which are not suggested:

* Sweet Food.

Sweet food contain very high sugar rate which need many vitamin B6 or B12 support in digesting. If this vitamin is used many, hence condition of fertility and nerve will progressively annoyed.

* High Fat Food.

Once in a while may consume high fat food but not excessively. By consuming it excessively can improve fat hoard so that trigger the happening of excessive body weight. High fat food even also contains high enough cholesterol usually. High fat can be found at meat, chocolate, egg yolk and many more. Too high cholesterol and fat besides can trigger disease appearance, can also bother hormonal system in body, that is sexual hormone imbalance (estrogen hormone and progesterone). Usually estrogen hormone too high whereas progesterone very low.

* Coffee.

This Beverage type can improve blood pressure and heartbeat, so at some people causing stressed easily. Though, stressed condition can more waste the nutrition. Besides, coffee is also dissolving many vitamins B6 and B12.

* Alcohol.

Same as coffee, alcohol even also can improve blood pressure and heartbeat so that trigger stress. Generally, alcohol is bad for the health, especially liver.

* Cigarette.

Many poison at cigarette. It poisons very dangerous to body so that can bother metabolism system. Though, this trouble of metabolism system can bother fertility level.




Ideally, regular menstrual cycle’s time spanned between 21 until 35 day each time menstrual period. With normal menstrual cycle, physiologically depict, mother’s reproduce organ tend to healthy and do not have problem. Her hormonal system good, it shown by ovum cell which continue to be produced and the regular menstrual cycle. In essence, with a bare eyed mother believed in a health condition. So that, with this normal cycle, mother will be easier to get pregnancy, arranging activities, calculating period of fertility, and so on.

Practically, not all women have normal menstrual cycle. Many of them which have irregular menstrual cycle, its cycle do not have certain pattern. In the beginning time, menstrual cycle could be more than 35 day, but then will be menstrual blood outside normal menstrual cycle. For example, its cycle initially 35-40 days but during next 3 months there is no menstruation. At other case, there is also woman which can experience of menstruation more than once during a month. Take an example, this month a menstruation happened on the date of 10, then come again on 25 in the month. Menstruation that goes on less than 21 days categorized as a short cycle.

Both of long or short cycle could show incorrect metabolism system and hormonal condition. Both of them give the same impact, causing a difficult pregnancy. At a short cycle, mother experience “unovulation" because an ovum cell not too matured so it is difficult to be an impregnation. While at long cycle, this matter caused by a very small production of ovum cell or mother’s unfertile condition for a long time. If ovum cell produced to rare its mean impregnation will very rare happened. Though, menstruation is a sign of mother’s fertility.

This Menstrual irregularity even also make difficult for mother to identify when a period of fertility and not. With regular menstruation the fertility period can be easily identified. Take an example, if the cycle is 30 day, hence a period of fertility estimated by 16 day after first menstruation day. Differ from short and long cycle, it’s very difficult to calculate a period of fertility because there is no formula able to be used.

Even so, mother doesn’t have to worry. Because, modern sophisticatedly medication, can overcome the problem. A doctor will assist mother look for what its cause and give its correct solution. Of course a more intensive cooperation will be needed between couple and mother her self with doctor. Hopefully with conducted therapy can make mother pregnant immediately.


Many causes why menstrual cycle become length or on the contrary is, short. But, case handling with menstrual cycle which below par, do not base on length or short cycle of menstruation, but on disparity met. Handling conducted by doctor pursuant to its cause.

* Disturbed Hormonal Function.

Menstruation closely related to hormonal system arranged in brain, precisely at hypofixa gland. This Hormonal system will send a signal to ovary to produce ovum cell. When this arrangement system disturbed, menstrual cycle even also will annoyed automatically.


If there are lacking of hormone, then can be added (for example, lacking of estrogen hormone, hence can be added by estrogen hormone). If an excessive hormone occurs, giving of certain drug that can return normal hormone rate will be the way to handle (for example, excessive prolactyn hormone rate can lessen with giving of certain drug). If there are uneven hormones, hence can be enhanced by other hormone to be more well-balanced.

* Systematical Disparity.

There is a mother with a very fat body or is thin. This matter can influence her menstrual cycle because of metabolism system in the body do not work better. Or mother suffers from diabetes, also will influence mother metabolism system so that her menstrual cycle even also spasmodically.


To overcome thin or fat problem so that its metabolism system become normal is by arranging eat pattern correctly. Mother can conduct a diet with guidance from expert so that the nutrition according to requirement of body. While for the diabetes suffers, sugar rate or insulin rate in blood is so high so that can cause menstrual cycle trouble, giving "sensitizer" insulin drug or anti-diabetic can improve menstrual cycle to a normal and even improve opportunity for pregnancy.

* Stressed.

Condition of being stressed can’t be paltered cause will bother metabolism system in body. Stressed feeling may cause mother come fatigue easily, the weight of body go down drastically, sickly even, so that its metabolism disturbed. When metabolism annoyed, menstrual cycle even also annoyed.


The kind of stressed condition that able to cause change of menstruate cycle is heavy psychological stress like very deep sorrow (caused by losing couple, parent or child), or life in very depress condition like custody woman. Deep psychological stress can improve CRH hormone or cortychol, which can bother reproduction hormone production. To handle it is by overcoming the stress itself through a therapy conducted by its expert. If stress overcomed, menstrual cycle can be normal.

* Thyroid Gland.

Annoyed thyroid gland function also could become spasmodic cause of menstrual cycle. Trouble can be of too high thyroid gland production (hyperthyroid) and can also too low (hypothyroid). All condition cause of annoyed hormonal system of body.


If thyroid hormone too high hence requires to be enhanced by drug to lessen thyroid gland production, conversely if thyroid hormone too low hence requires to be enhanced by drug so that thyroid hormone returns normally. Finally, gland production has to match with a body need.

Many mother irate, menstrual cycles trouble her to have child. Not only mother which not yet owned child, mother which have owned child even also can experience of it. On this case, the handling of abnormal menstrual cycle always need an attention of a condition is patient still hope to be pregnant or not. If still wish pregnancy, hence its handling have to be focused on effort to assist her pregnancy. If patient do not wish pregnancy again, hence its handling simply by arranging her menstrual cycle.
