

Change of activity happened because body has to adapt to pregnancy process.

Pregnant moment, many mothers complain cannot focus to work again, become lazy for homework, do not again enjoy shopping event, lazy to dress up, etc. Activities all day long can be said to change drastically.
It is true, pregnancy deliver many change. To whom do not make preparation to face it, of course will feel very annoyed. Sulking might possibly tip of at endless stress. A precise handling really needed here. If not so, it’s worried to influence fetus health.
So, following is some change which can emerge at the time of pregnancy which need to be handled and attitude wisely. No other so that pregnancy goes well, mother remains to feel balmily, and fetus even also grow robustly.

Queasy and puking very possible happened in early pregnancy. Usually started in first week and will be super in age 8-12 week of pregnancy. Queasy and puking generally will disappear by itself in age 3 months of pregnancy. Queasy and puking appearance can be caused by change of hormone in pregnant mother body. If pregnant mother experience of psychological pressure which enough weight, placenta which patch too in, pregnancy of twin, usually sigh of Queasy and puking will emerge heavier because possible its reaction too big.
Because sigh of queasy and puking take place sufficiently long, usually will influence everyday mother activity fluency. More than anything else if its sigh very heavy. Activity at home for example, might possibly the mother cannot immediately set right bed because business shuffle through to bathroom to spill puking, or when [is] working [in] office she might possibly still not finish one work because cannot have concentration. Even, shopping event which usually [is] so enjoyed do not again please because wishing in a hurry [go/come] home cause do not be strong detain Queasy and puking. So, if queasy come and likely out of sorts, grooming even also become lazily.

Tips To Overcome:

* Preparation.
When wills pregnancy, mother have to prepare herself to utilize to face all change, including queasy and puking which more or less will bother daily activity. With existence of matured preparation, mother will be more make provision against him. Besides, comprehending also that Queasy and puking represent normal matter to experience of by almost every pregnant mother. Become, when this matter emerge, mother will not surprise again and negative mind even also will not emerge.

* Take care of Nutrition.
Queasy and puking moment, usually the willing to eat is decrease so that mother even also becomes lazy to eat. Though, this indolence will progressively overweight the sigh. For that, mother has to remain to try to eat regularly. At least don't let empty stomach because will progressively stimulate production [of] mother’s stomach acid. In this condition will be queasier. Eat a little but often. If it too difficult, mother can change it with biscuit, bread, cake, ice-cream, or other snack which it is of course have to be valuable of nutrition.

* Take care of Condition.
Taking care of condition remain to be [done/conducted] important prima so that mother can be stronger face burden which enough heavily. Its way can by taking care of nutrition which enter, rest enough, and consume pregnant fruits many vitamins like orange, mango, apple, melon, and is other.

* Doctor’s Aid.
Sometimes, its difficult to overcome queasy and puking alone. Come to doctor and consulted all existing sigh. Usually doctor will give a save anti-queasy drug for the mother and fetus. Better don't buy anti-queasy drug promiscuously because can endanger fetus.

Difficult sigh of sleep, usually often happened at third and first trimester. At first trimester of pregnancy mother was in pursuance of adjustment to hormonal change. Often also in this trimester, mother even experience heavy enough psychological burden so that bother her sound of sleep. Whereas in third trimester more because of pregnancy [of] ever greater mother so that make sleep position do not be balmy, also emerge many sigh like asphyxia and is stiff.

Tips to overcome:
Difficulty to sleep can be overcame by looking at the root of cause, is it because of hormonal, change of physical, or exactly psychological burden.

1. Hormonal Change.
Can be overcame by taking care of nutritious gain. Good nutrition can make body fitter and hale so that mother can sleep more well-sleep. Comprehend also that usual change happened caused by pregnancy process as bless from God.

2. Psychical Burden.
Heavy enough psychical burden that keep someone awake can be effected by so many matter, but generally because of mother don't feel pleasure with her pregnancy, bothering physical change, also fear of handicap born baby. For that mother need positive thinking to her pregnancy, behave easily going, also don't feel to be burdened too much with existing change. Listening soft music can be very enjoyable. It's also will be very good if mother communicate all worries to couple, friend, parent, or to expert like pregnancy psychiatry or obstetrician as well. Support asking from couple and information accessing about pregnancy even also very good utilize to lessen this psychological burden.

3. Physical Change.
In this third trimester the condition of getting bigger and bigger mother's womb cause the difficultly to sleep because many sighs such as oppress, stiffly of back, pain in backside bone including around waist, ect emerge. To overcome this matter mother required to arrange the following sleep position:

* Sleep with oblique position to left so that womb not press big vein. This is good to blood fluency from mother to fetus. Take a pillow as a footrest, prop from heel to calf with two pillows, and from knee till thigh jetty with a pillow. To maintain declivity, sprig also body backside with pillow.

* Better not to sleep stretched out on back, besides blocking blood stream to fetus also can cause asphyxia on mother. Avoid also bent over sleeping position and laying flat on stomach. It will make fetus weight press networks in womb related to back and thigh. As a result pain arises in stomach, hip, and stiff feel in back.

* Body will be fresher and relax by pregnant gymnastic and breathing exercise. It will be very good when mother follow this program.

When pregnancy age getting older, mother will be more often urinate. Wants or not mother has to go to bathroom and back very often. The frequent urination caused by bigger womb press urethras part. Don’t be too worried about this because affecting very positive for the health of fetus. As we know that urine is a residue of a meal in which must be thrown and very possible contain many germ. Do you know that womb mouth was close enough to estuary of urethras, so if urine water stays too long in its germ possibly will move to womb and cause fetus infection.

Tips to attitude:

Don’t bothered with frequent urinate and unnecessary to overcome it, just attitude wisely. Unnecessary to sigh urinate activity which enough often but experience it patiently because it is true must be done. Don't also lessen liquid consumption, because pregnant mother exactly require liquid which last for body and her fetus. Drink 8-12 glass a day size 250cc. Reduction of water consumption oppositely will affect negativity, cause a kidney trouble. If night sleep activity annoyed, mother may stop to drink 2-3 hours before sleep. But of course mother have to multiply her drink at day time.

Before pregnancy mother can eat any kind of food. From soft drinks, fast food, till restaurant food which generally contain many unhealthy materials such as monosodium glutamate, sweetener, dye, and preservative. But in pregnant moment, mother better lessen to consume this kind of food and beverage for the shake of mother's health and also her fetus though mother very fond of it. It is true, there is no definitive data regarding to impact which will happened. But if its consumed too much can generate negative effect to fetus and also mother.

Tips to attitude:
* However, mother has to lessen her hobbies to consume foods that possibility bothers fetus health.

* Pregnant mother have to pay attention to food gain with well-balanced nutrition, containing carbohydrate, protein, fat, mineral and vitamin. Vary the menus every day so that nutrition gain even also becomes more various.

* Choose fresh vegetable, if possible organic food which no pesticide on planting.

* Eat regularly, at second and third trimesters especially. And better improve food portion because fetus need more food.


Psychically, many pregnant mothers feel change at psychical condition. Such as, mother tend to lazily, more sensitive, call more attention, jealous easily, ect. This matter might be possibly happened because of her progesterone hormone is getting high which one of the effects is will influence psychical condition of pregnant mother. This change in fact not too heavy but if mother does not well prepared, could be a burden which difficult to face. Pregnant mother might be mad easily only because of her husband come home later than usual. If not be well handled this can cause a big quarrel which make relation become unharmonious.

Tips to Overcome:

Unstable psychic required precise handling so that pregnancy can last better and also [do] not too encumbering. Several things bellow can be conducted:

* When set the mind on pregnancy, mother and her couple have to really draw up their physic and mind. If there psychical change on pregnant moment so they will not surprised. If not really ready, mother will feel heavier things.

* When psychical change start to be felt by mother, generally in first trimester of pregnancy, mother have to comprehend that what happened may an effect of pregnancy hormone change. This not last long, when pregnancy over, everything will back to normal.

* Look for information concerning pregnancy. This matter can be found at books, magazine, newspaper, tabloid, or pregnancy sites on internet. That way mother can more comprehend her condition of change that happened so that dread even also can be more overcame.

* If the change seem too heavy, for example mother feels an excessive worry, she better consult to expert to overcome existing problem. Consultancy can be done by regular control.

* Ask couple to assist sweeping, cooking, fixing bed, and others. Its OK when mother inform husband that her psychical condition is not stabilizing and ask him to understand that this condition is an effect of pregnancy process.

* Conduct pleasant activities, like playing and listening music, light sport, watching movie, or even paint. Pleasant activities will make mood become comfortable.

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